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The store is open TUE-FRI 10-18 & SAT 10-14 The store is open TUE-FRI 10-18 & SAT 10-14
Delivery in 1-3 days to orders in Finland! Delivery in 1-3 days to orders in Finland!
Discounted delivery for orders over 150 €! Discounted delivery for orders over 150 €!

Digital gift card

Get yourself or a friend a digital gift card to Ommellinen shop and online store! With this gift card you can make purchases both in our store in Kinkomaa and online.

The gift card is sent to your email after the order has been paid.

The gift card cannot be returned, or exchanged for money.

The gift card must be used within 6 months from the order date and it can be used for multiple purchases.

Value of the gift card
    Digitaalinen lahjakortti - Ommellinen

    Net Orders Checkout

    Item Price Qty Total
    Subtotal 0,00 €

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