Ommelinen will soon be 8 years old! Like a lively elementary school student, you could call us lively and resourceful, but above all, brave. Courage and confidence in the future ignited in us the desire to expand Ommel - quite concretely.
Ommelinen's workspace is currently located in a commercial apartment in Sarvivuori, Jyväskylä. When we moved here, there were two other employees in addition to me and Jesse, and the premises were just right for sewing, design and a brick-and-mortar store. Now, after 5 years, there are already a whopping 15 Ommmeli here and we are recruiting more during the spring. Needless to say, the spaces for this number of people are very cramped, so really cramped, but we have walked our everyday life here with a smile and worked side by side.
For a few years, Jesse and I thought about acquiring and expanding the current property, until we had the courage to build. My courage was increased by the fact that my father has solid experience and understanding of hall construction. Father promised to help in all phases of the project <3.

The plot was selected near the current property and "on the right side" of the border of Muurame. After all, Ommelinen is a brick-and-mortar company. The commute for our entrepreneurs will also be shortened even further to a few hundred meters.
10.6.2021 Ommelinen's team enjoying the new plot.
We set the goal of the new office space to have more space for work, people and customers. We hope that a visit to Ommelinella will always be an experience and unforgettable. In our current store, we feel that the lack of space is an obstacle to implementing many ideas, such as organizing customer events and visits. Also, the work tasks of the seamstress are currently largely determined by the conditions of the premises, so we cannot operate as efficiently as we would like.
The construction project has lasted almost a year. Ommmelinen has been the main contractor for the entire project, which means that a lot of the work has been done by myself. In addition to own expertise, local contractors have been used for HVAC, electricity, etc. work.
The project has had the same set of values as in everything Ommmeline does: we have tried to use as many local operators and domestic manufacturers as possible. For example, Ruukki's elements were selected for the wall elements, the stairs are manufactured by Caava Muurame, and the furniture is created by Puusepänliike Astikainen, just a few kilometers away.
7.10.2021 The first shared coffee moment inside the new walls.
In the year-long construction project, all kinds of emotions have surfaced. There have been successes and insecurities, fatigue and impatient waiting, enthusiasm and in another moment deep contemplation of things. As a good thing and as a bonus, during the project, many partners have become friends and, for example, with the entrepreneurs of LVI-Rentola Oy, life and entrepreneurship have been shared beyond this project as well.
A little more time and soon we will be able to move into our new premises! We hope that the move will clarify our work, increase our efficiency and work motivation, and above all, bring a happier – and therefore more comfortable – store experience to our lovely customers. I am really proud, happy and grateful that we dared to be brave and embark on this project.
Jesse and I would like to thank everyone who was involved in the project, our loving family and of course our favorite guys at Ommelinella - Thank you for supporting us during the project.
A sewing entrepreneur