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Vastuullisuus Ommellisen sydämessä

Responsibility in the heart of Ommellinen – sustainable fashion and local craftsmanship

Clothing production at Ommellinen with locality at the core 

Domestic production is one of Ommellinen’s core values, and it is evident in our daily operations. Our garments are made in Kinkomaa, Central Finland, supporting local employment under responsible working conditions. Collaborating with other domestic businesses further contributes to indirect employment. 

Our premises in Kinkomaa in Central Finland, opened in 2022, is the heart of our business. This is where our production, design, warehousing, e-commerce, retail, marketing and administrative operations all take place. Our entire team works under the same roof! 



High-quality, comfortable and durable clothing 

Ommellinen clothes are designed to bring you happiness, comfort and confidence. Made in Finland, they are high-quality garments that withstand frequent wear and washing. Our pieces are designed for everyday use as well as special occasions. Through our beautiful prints we aim to spread joy, colour and the possibility to express yourself. 

In addition to women's and men's clothing, our product range includes fabrics, sewing patterns, jewellery, accessories, and home products. Just like our garments, our patterns, jewellery and home products are also handcrafted in Finland. 

A happy workplace that is like a family 

At Ommellinen, we foster a family-like work community where hard work takes place with joy and wellbeing in mind. We strive to maintain an environment where everyone feels valued, where you can express yourself and develop your skills. We care deeply for each other, our customers and our environment. We live a happy everyday life here and wish the same for our customers. Without people there would be no Ommellinen! 

Our workspace is designed specifically for our operations, prioritising safety, efficiency and functionality while ensuring a pleasant atmosphere. When you visit our store, take a peek in our sewing room and witness our skilled team at work! 

Environmentally friendly production and material recycling 

Our commitment to sustainability is evident through our environmentally conscious choices. We strive to minimise material waste by making the most efficient use of production leftovers. We pay close attention to the environmental impact of our production processes.  

Our customers are provided with comprehensive care instructions to ensure their garments stay in good condition for a long time, allowing each piece to bring joy to multiple users. We promote circular economy principles and partner with the Finnish company Ninyes, enabling our customers to buy and sell second-hand Ommellinen garments.  

Responsible actions for society and the future 

We believe that even small actions and everyday encounters can have a positive impact on our society and the future. We contribute to the education of children and young people by visiting schools and other educational institutions and sharing insights about our work and opportunities within the textile industry. We welcome visitor groups, interns, and summer workers from the local youth community whenever possible. We actively participate in local development and decision-making processes, striving to make a positive impact within our region and beyond. 

Responsibility is an ongoing journey offering endless opportunities for improvement. Our goal is to continue on our path as a manufacturer of high-quality Finnish garments, and a creator of joyful crafting experiences! 

Learn more about our commitment to responsibility here. 

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